SECOND ON-FARM: Tracey and Andrew Powdrell (pictured) with some of the Turiroa Tiger rams that will be up for auction on their on-farm sale on December 12. The couple are rapt with the quality of their up to 115 lineup, across four varieties.
Turiroa Stud near Wairoa will host their second on-farm terminal ram sale on December 12. They will have up to 115 big, meaty Southdowns, Tigers, Suftex and Belsuftex rams for sale by auction.
This year, Andrew and Tracey Powdrell have the first of their Beltex cross progeny available for sale.
“Beltex are renowned for a high bone to meat ratio and increased yielding percentages,” Andrew said.
“They are moderate framed meat machines with a huge loin and back end.”
Turiroa Belsuftex Rams comprise 25 percent Beltex, 75 percent Suftex.
“We were looking for something to thicken up the Suftex and get them maturing earlier,” Andrew said.
“The cross has worked very well, with the added advantage of a black face.”
He said the Beltex cross genetics had exceeded their expectations.
“They are born small and hardy and hit the ground running. The muscling doesn’t develop until the lambs are a few weeks old. “We have no lambing trouble with them whatsoever. “Even the Belsuftex ewe lambs that lambed as hoggets were fine,” Andrew said. “The feet have been great too with no issues. We see these Belsuftex rams as leaving early maturing progeny off the hills at 15-17 kg carcase weight. ”
“We will continue to blend the Beltex genetics into our Suftex to thicken them up and we can’t wait to see how the progeny perform out on the farms in different environments.”
Turiroa will also have Suftex, Southdown and Tigers, a Southdown, South Suffolk cross.
“The Tigers perform well because they have the best of the Southdown characteristics of a deep, meaty body with the advantage of the brown face for easy identification among the progeny. They have lots of Hybrid Vigour and fertility with many clients reporting higher scanning percentages in their early mob than their m/a mob which is pleasing to see the fertility come through.”
The Powdrells have been mating their stud ewe hoggets for 20 years and built up a really good fertility in the flock.
“We are looking forward to catching up with old and hopefully some new clients on December 12.
“We are really pleased with the strong team of rams we have coming forward to sale, with our key criteria of early maturing and good feet really evident in the rams.”
The sale starts at 11am on sale day.