Southdown Sheep Society, NZ

"The sheep with an illustrious past and a very bright future"

Archive for July, 2017

Southdown NZ Newsletter 120

Posted by Christina On July - 12 - 2017


The year rolls on yet again and for some lambing not too many weeks off. As for the weather we won’t go down that track, just hope Spring is early, dry and warm. Store lamb prices have been ever going up so perhaps this coming season the farmers that put lambs on the ground will get well paid all season. Not sure unless you have good contracts who really makes money from the gate to the plate, but I am sure the supermarkets don’t do too badly.
Been an interesting Rugby season so far and hope the ones of you who have been to any of the Lions games have enjoyed them and that includes the Tests.
Not sure how many of you have set the alarm each sailing day – I have – and what a great team and crew have been on Emirates Team New Zealand. We see Peter Burling and a quiet unassuming man that he is. They have all just got on with their jobs without all the hype of the other boats and proved the great boat designers New Zealand has and so far in advance of any one else.
Southdown Tour 2018.
Yes, it is a long way out and no dates have been discussed but it is going to be hosted within the Wairarapa and Manawatu areas. If any Members within the areas are willing to help with the itinerary suggestions and also help host it please contact Jill Baird or Janet Gray.
AGM 2017.
Thank you to all whom attended the AGM and that includes wives and partners. Council realised there would be only a small number attending due to not having an NZ Tour. The Tasmanian Tour sounded it was a success, thanks to the organisers and all whom went on it.
Council 2017/2018.
The Council continues on the same as last year with Todd as President, Donald, Vice-President, John, Treasurer, and Councillors, Stephen, Jill, Stuart, Janet, Christina, Chris, and Charles. Brent is still a co-opted Councillor and our Honorary Life Members are Puck Hughes, John Macaulay, Bill Medlicott and David Wyllie.
Thank you all for your input and time you willing give for the Society.
Christina is still the lady in charge of running it and continues to ask for items of news, photos, (have the Tasmanian ones became available?) The web site is looked at by many so it is our face to the world, therefore we need to keep it up to date. Your assistance is very much appreciated.
Stuart and Jill are still in charge of this area. Council decided last year to pay a reporter at various times of the year and have articles written and placed in the farming papers. This was because they felt the same Breeders were doing the advertising to get feature stories in a publication and they were promoting the whole breed. This way has not been all that successful but the Promotion Committee is now working with a different reporter in the hope to get articles in papers. Should any Members have any contacts with reporters you may contact Stuart or Jill to give some help.
New Members.
At the last Council meeting the following new member nominations were accepted:
S.E.Hughes, 35 Rattletrack Road, No.4 R.D., Christchurch. 7674.
Kevin McFadden, 66 Mile Road, No.2 R.D., Bombay, 2675.
Also Mrs.C.A.Cameron has taken over the flock of G.E.Johansen who is her Father. G.W.Hunt has started a flock so moves from Member without a Flock to a member with a flock.
To you all, welcome and we hope you become involved with any Southdown activities with in your area and also perhaps Shows and Sale as well as coming to the Southdown AGM tours.
There are also three more Flocks that are to join the Society with new Flocks but the final paper work is still to be completed.
Canterbury A. & P.Show 2017.
This year the Southdown trophies will be presented at the Show and this will be indicated in the schedule that will become available soon.

Ewe Inspections.
This was discussed at Council and in the current Flock Book page 5 by-law XXIV will be deleted as it is out of date. PLEASE all Members when you are selling Ewes to someone to start a new flock the Ewes must be first inspected. Please contact the Office and we will arrange for the inspection once we have contacted the President.
Looking After Rams.
Council briefly discussed this at their meeting because there is some concern when Members hear that their Rams did not perform for any real reason. They suggest that Members, when you sell Rams you don’t give a lecture to the Purchaser but perhaps discuss with them how to look after their Ram/s so that they do last for a number of mating seasons. Encourage feedback. Suggest that when they purchase them don’t put them in with other older Rams until after mating is over. When they come out of the Ewes they check them over, drench them and put them into a paddock with good feed. Don’t just take them out of the Ewes and sling them into the paddock that has the bits and pieces in and poor feed. These fellows have done their years work and need to be given care to be built up for the next year.
Allflex, Zee Tags, Woolovers.
Please find enclosed order forms for all three. You can order direct or contact the Office and we will put your orders in. Remember to get your orders in, in good time so your tags for the season are ready when the first lambs come.
The Treasurer thanks all of you who do order your sheep and even cattle tags through the Society, this as you are aware as per the balance sheet does generate revenue for the Society at no extra cost to you. Yes perhaps some companies do sell tags cheaper as a service but they add the “discount they offer” onto some other product to balance the books.
From The Pen of the President.
Firstly I would like to extend our condolences to Janet and Diane Gray and family with the passing of Rea. Our thoughts are with you at this sad time. We also extend our condolences to Robyn Bradley and her family with the passing of Jim this last week also.
At the time of writing we are in the midst of winter. For us the first part has been dry however since July has arrived we have become very wet quite quickly. I hope everyone is coping ok.
Also David Robertson has just given us an update on the Southdown Progeny Trial. The scanning and AI program has gone well with enough twin bearing ewes to meet our requirements. This is a very exciting project for the Southdown breed. Thanks again David for all the great work you are doing, it is very much appreciated.
Looking ahead to the coming season, hopefully we can all have a reasonable lambing as prices look to be positive. We just need something to kick start the wool market back into life.
Some of us will be heading towards lambing shortly which for those of us further south is a scary thought. However I will take this opportunity to remind everyone that you can order your tags through the society.
To everyone we wish you all the best for the rest of the winter and here’s hoping we have a good spring for lambing.
Thanks again for your passion for the breed
Todd Anderson
Please we need more photos/articles for Christina to put on the Web-Site.
Can you help Stuart and Jill regarding promotion, if so please contact either of them.
Welcome New Members, help is only a phone call or email away if need be.
Please remember that if you are selling Ewes to a person to start a Flock those ewes MUST be inspected on your property first.
When selling Rams, consider speaking to the purchaser about caring for the Ram/s that have been just purchased.
Enclosed are Zee, Allflex and Woolover order forms. Place your orders in good time, and when doing so we would appreciate it if you show your Flock Number in the Order No. area.
Happy lambing and may the weather be kind and the percentages good.

J.M.Pinfold (Mrs) and C.H.Ramsay (Miss),