Southdown Sheep Society, NZ

"The sheep with an illustrious past and a very bright future"

Archive for February, 2020

Southdown Named Supreme Sheep of Gore Show

Posted by The Roving Shepherd On February - 4 - 2020

A large crowd gathered to watch the sheep judging which comprised many breeds from the traditional Romneys, Perendales, Southdowns and Suffolks through to Dorpers and Merinos.

The Gore sheep show has become so popular that it was second only to the New Zealand A&P Show in Canterbury.

A Southdown ram, owned jointly by Rob Hall, Graham Calder and Andrew Christey, was named the supreme sheep of the show with Blair Robertson’s Romney ram coming in a very close second.

Beef + Lamb New Zealand chairman Andrew Morrison praised breeders for the quality line up of sheep at the show.

“It’s a great demonstration of sheep and why our industry is so strong.

“The past decade has been the most profitable in sheep farming in 60 years and that’s off the back of some great genetics,” Morrison said.

Morrison assured sheep farmers that wool would eventually make a comeback.